Sunday, November 2, 2008

What a difference a month makes

Yesterday marked one month since we bought the house. It has come so far (yet so much more to do...) The outside of the house looks so great. Pete was able to put the railing back on the front steps (one side rusted off and was laying the front yard). This involved using a grinder, new footings and other things that sound really difficult. Wynne noted that he painted the numbers on the house and said that was her favorite part...

Pete has spent a total of about a zillion hours bagging leaves. We have three giant trees and they keep dumping leaves. One half of a tree is left so the end is in sight.

Most of the "in wall" plumbing is done - just waiting for inspection. I have not worked at the house in weeks. Looking forward to having more time for that in November.

The second half of October was just crazy at work. I had three out-of-town trips in two weeks (one over a weekend), lots of presentations and I helped to organize a meeting for 35 people (much harder than I thought it would be). Add in two birthday parties for Wynne and you have a recipe for exhaustion. I probably got about five hours of sleep per night for the last few weeks. I realized just how tired I was when on Friday I looked at myself at the end of the day and thought my shirt looked funny. well of course it did - it was on inside out. Not a good look. Luckily I worked from home and only left the house for bit.

Got caught up on some sleep this weekend (no sleeping in with kids).

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