Friday, October 3, 2008

Killing the fence to nowhere

Today was another good day at the house. We spent another day outside -- pulled up the chain link fence "to nowhere". Basically this is the beginning of a fence that partially blocks the yard. Only a very lazy (or very dim) kid or dog would not be able to figure out how to get out of the yard. It looked like it was going to be a daunting job but the first pole came out easily. That was the end of easy street. But Pete finally figured it out -- the key to pulling up an eight-foot pole (why such a long pole!?!?!) is banging the pole with another pole to let the "vibrations" loosen it (according to Pete) and also soak the ground.

We also finished "operation rock relocation" and added mulch and edging in front of the house. We did some more general yard clean up, including trimming the weeds along with edge of the yard. You might wonder why we would not pull them up -- well -- they actually look like bushes (from far away at least) and we won't be tackling this project until Spring at the earliest. Pete finished cleaning and repairing the gutters and adding gutter guards.

We are going to have to make a better plan for eating during this project. Yesterday it was Taco Bell for lunch and today Dominoes delivered. I was thinking that all of this manual labor would burn calories to make the meals a wash. Then it occurred to me that when you take a look at a construction site most of the guys are not in tip-top share. So we'll have to work on that.

After working on the house all day, Wynne and I headed to the Y for our new favorite class. Family Drums Alive - it is super fun. Picture exercise balls held in place with the square step risers. Add a pair of drum sticks and some fun music and you have a great time....Well not so much this week. There are two instructors and they alternate weeks. Today's teacher was not so good and Wynne was bored really quickly. She sat on the sidelines and watched -- only coming back to ask if she could have a snack because "watching people exercise makes her hungry". that's my gal...

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