We were driving home from preschool today. She told me Mrs. Schroeder moved her away from Jake at naptime because he was talking too much. I asked her what he was talking about. There was a pause and she said "Mom -- don't tell Mrs. Schroeder. I was the one who was talking. I just couldn't stop...."
A few weeks ago she woke up in the middle of night and wanted to play. I told her that we both needed to go back to sleep so that she would not be crabby at school and I would not be crabby at work.
Me: I NEED to sleep. What will happen if I am crabby at work
Wynne (in a cheerful voice): You will get FIRED!
Me: that is not good. Then we will have no where to live
Wynne: (with the saddest look of shock on her face) how can they take our house?
(So now I am feeling bad. The kid is going to have nightmares now. I am a jerk.)
Me: Mom and dad need to work so we can pay our bills. We are fine and no one is going to take our house.
So I spent some time backtracking. As I was walking out of her room, in the softest, sweetest voice she says
Wynne: Mom
Me: yea
Wynne: What do turtles eat?
Must be nice to be four. You can go from tragedy to turtles in two minutes.