Monday, December 29, 2008

The House, The Mouse, The Kids

Well, it has been quite a while since I've posted. Some updates from the last month:

The House:
Let's see - we've passed the electrical and plumbing inspections - yea! and Pete finished tiling and grouting the floor of the upstairs bathroom. I got pretty excited when I heard that Chad was coming over to set the toilet upstairs now that the tiling was done. If you remember the downstairs toilet requires a bucket of water for flushing. I did not realize that we were not setting the tank (need to wait until the walls and trim are done.) So - still using the bucket. But Chad did hook up a hose so we don't have to run two floors down to the basement to fill the bucket.

The big project this week was hanging drywall. My job was the "getter". I would get the tool belt, get the light or get a pop for Pete. After a while I was promoted to assistant driller. Luckily Pete is pretty smart and knew about a critical tool called a drywall jack (yellow thing in the first picture). I did not realize just how heavy sheets of drywall are. And with 13' ceilings in the dining room, I don't know how we would have done it without the jack.

On Friday I spent a good chunk of the day scraping wallpaper since Pete's dad was helping with drywall in the dining room. We are down to the original plaster in some parts of the hallway - Pete was the first to uncover this cool paint/stenciling detail. We thought for a minute about repeating it when we paint. But we decided against it.

So still more drywall to do. then we will hire someone to mud and tape. The we will be painting 'till the end of time. We also have the kitchen floor to tile, cabinets/doors to sand and paint, doors and trim to sand and paint and figure out if we will refinish the hardwood or carpet the living/dining room. It will probably come down to how much cash we have left. We are hopeful that it can be available for rent on May 1. If we keep things moving along, we might be able to start listing it in early March. We'll see....

The Mouse
Good news here. There was a showdown a few weeks ago. Pete went into the bathroom before bed one night and I heard what I can only describe as a ruckus. Apparently he had the mouse cornered and was able to "exterminate" the little guy with the Clorox wipes container (and then the wipes came in handy for clean up.) So we have not seen another mouse since this incident. So either there was only one (not likely) or word got out about the mouse hunter....
The Kids
Christmas was great at our house. The threat of Santa only bringing toys to good girls was lost on Wynne. She told me that "Santa brings toys to all the PRETTY girls, mom!" Apparently this is line from the Charlie Brown Christmas. Kind of sad - she is only four and has figured out that you don't have to be good, just pretty, and you will still get what you want. We did get her the Play Dough Ice Cream Shop. We broke it out and I was the assistant ice cream maker. I had some questions about what kind of sprinkles to make and Wynne said "less talking, more selling, mom". It is kind of hard to correct sassy behavior when you are trying not to laugh.
Emmett's love for food has expanded. He is now demanding pizza (PEEE-TA!) and has figured out how to climb on the kitchen chairs to swipe food from the table. I expect he will soon climb out of his crib to fix himself some eggs in the morning. That will make things a lot easier on us. Emmett is also very sweet and loving. He is very generous with the open-mouthed, drooly baby kisses and almost never bites you now (before it was hit or miss - sometimes you would get a kiss - sometimes a chunk of your face was gone.) He also loves to give hugs and will hug any baby or dog that he can get his hands on.

Monday, December 1, 2008

CSI: Saint Paul

It is never good to pull up to your house to see a bunch of people standing around, looking quizzically at your garage.

But that is just what happened today.

Someone left a little treat for us -- a dead, gutted deer. Gross.

This is the city. Discovering a dead person "Law and Order" style is one thing. A giant animal in your yard - totally unexpected.

I am very confused as to why someone would go through the trouble of gutting a deer and then dump it. Now you may ask how I know it was gutted -- I did not conduct the crime scene investigation myself. Luckily my neighbor was on site to declare that it had been gutted, share cause of death (arrow) and time of death (two days ago).

The neighbor said he called the police. Not sure what they'll do - maybe release the deer into his custody?

I've sent Pete out to check if the deer is still there. If no one takes it I guess we'll have to get rid of it. Maybe I will tie it to my car and run some errands....Never a dull moment.

Turkey Day

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend (as evidenced by this photo of Wynne in her turkey hat)
We stayed in town and spent Thursday with Pete's family. I made Pete's favorite White Castle stuffing. Yup - made with white castle burgers. If you're interested in making some for your Christmas gathering, the recipe is posted on the company's web site, along with many other creations you can make with these burgers.

Pete spent most of the weekend at the new house. Lots of odds and ends to work on. He bought a bunch of drywall, finished scraping wallpaper from one of the walls downstairs and wrapped up some projects to get ready for the electrician. The electrician was supposed to come out today but did not make it. Hopefully he'll get out there tomorrow. Once that is done we get it inspected, insulate the walls and we can close them up. Note to Pete -- don't forget to call the drywall guy!!

Meanwhile, Christmas is a hot topic at our house. I asked Wynne what she thought Emmett would like for Christmas. She thought for a while and then said that "Emmett would like some doll house furniture. And he can keep it in my room." what a sweet kid.
I asked her what she would like. Aside from everything that is advertised on TV, Wynne said she wants "everything that Andrew has that I don't have".
She also told me that what she really wants is an elf. Smart girl. Why limit yourself to toys on one day when you can get your own personal toy maker...
Emmett, on the other hand, is still learning to talk. He has a few words down though he calls everyone "da-dee".
He is also in maximum attention seeking mode. He waits until you are watching him and then grabs the Christmas tree or stove and runs. And then does it over and over again. I couldn't even take the cinnamon rolls out of the oven yesterday because he kept charging the stove yelling "HOT!". What a knob.
And if you are keeping track, the score at our house is:
Mouse - 2
Riemenschneiders - 0
Somehow Emmett also got stuck in a glue trap. And I spotted the mouse again yesterday. I can't believe we can't fix this problem.....